2.活動的構音器官Moveable articulators


They are tongue, lips, pharynx, mandible, and velum.


2.1 舌(tongue)


(1)舌根(lingual root)

(2)舌尖(lingual apex)

(3)舌腹(lingual undersurface)

(4)舌背(lingual dorsum)

(5)舌乳頭(lingual papillae)—輪狀乳頭(papillae vallate);絲狀乳頭(papillae filiforms);蕈狀乳頭(fungiforms);葉狀乳頭(papillae foliate)

(6)舌的肌肉—舌中隔(median septum)將舌分割為兩半,每半有兩組肌肉。起源於舌外的稱外源肌,其他為內源肌。

(7)神經支配—舌神經(lingual nerve)鼓索神經(chorda tympani nerve)舌咽神經的舌枝(glossopharyngeal nerve)喉上神經(superior laryngeal  nerve)




The superior surface is referred to as the dorsum, and the anterior-most portion is the tip or apex. The base of the tongue is the portion of the tongue that resides in the oropharynx. The portion of the tongue surface within the oral cavity is referred to as the oral or palatine surface, making up two thirds of the surface of the tongue. The other one third of the tongue surface lies within the oropharynx and is referred to as the pharyngeal surface.



 圖片摘自Seikel, et al. Anatomy and Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing




2.2 咽(Pharynx)





(4)咽壁—黏膜;咽腱膜;咽的肌肉(pharyngeal muscles)





圖片摘自 http://ha.mtroyal.ab.ca/figs/l31/310100.htm (此網站有更詳細的解剖圖)



The pharynx is the part of the vocal tract that connects the larynx and the esophagus with the mouth and the nose. At its lower end, the pharynx meets the larynx and the esophagus; at its wider upper end, it joins with the back of the mouth and the nose. Its shape and size are changed when swallowing, either by moving the tongue back, or the larynx up, or by contracting the pharyngeal walls.


以上摘自Anatomy and Physiology for Speech, Language, and Hearing. (written by John A. Seikel, Douglas W. King, and David G. Drumright)