Philip Lieberman




菲力普李柏曼,麻省理工學院電機工程博士,美國尖端科學學會(The American Association for the Advancement of Science)美國心理學會(The American Psychological Association)全美人類學協會(The American Anthropological Association)的會員。曾在NATO擔任過客座教授,現任教於美國布朗大學認知與語言學系及人類學系。



語音的產生與認知(Speech production and perception)、語音與語言的演化(Evolution of speech and language)、動物的溝通行為(Animal communication)、行為與運動神經控制(Behavior and Motor Control)、認知與認知發展(Cognition and Cognitive Development)、語言(Language)、以及感覺系統與知覺(Sensory Systems and Perception)



菲力普李柏曼主要的研究興趣是在以生物學為基礎上探討人類語言及認知的本質與進化 。他在30年前以解剖學的方法研究人猿說話能力的限制開啟了一個新的研究領域,他對尼安德塔人語言能力的推論研究到現在還是眾所爭辯的問題。從1980年以後他的研究重點轉到研究大腦某些特性使人類具有言語 、語言及認知的能力。他最近的研究主要在探討傳統腦皮質區相互運作的腦皮質下深層構造及布洛卡區和維尼克區連同其它許多神經組織與這些能力之間的關係。除此之外他還持續進行言語傳達情感和語言資訊方面的研究。







Lieberman, Philip. Intonation, perception, and language. Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, 1967

Lieberman, Philip. Speech acoustics and perception. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1972

Lieberman, Philip. The speech of primates. New York: The Hague, Mouton, 1972

Lieberman, Philip. On the origins of language : an introduction to the evolution of human speech. New York: Macmillan, 1975

Lieberman, Philip. Speech physiology and acoustic phonetics : an introduction. New York: Macmillan, 1977

Lieberman, Philip. The biology and evolution of language. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1984

Lieberman, Philip, and Sheila E. Blumstein. Speech physiology, speech perception, and acoustic phonetics. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988

Lieberman, Philip. Uniquely human : the evolution of speech, thought, and selfless behavior. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1991

Lieberman, Philip. "The origins and evolution of language." Companion encyclopedia of anthropology. Ed. Tim Ingold. London; New York: Routledge, 1994

Lieberman, Philip. "Some Biological Constraints on the Analysis of Prosody." Signal to syntax : bootstrapping from speech to grammar in early acquisition. Ed. James L. Morgan and Katherine Demuth. Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum, 1996

Lieberman, Philip. Eve spoke : human language and human evolution. New York: W.W. Norton, 1998

Lieberman, Philip. Human language and our reptilian brain : the subcortical bases of speech, syntax, and thought. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000


Lieberman, Philip and Marcia R. Lieberman. Walking the Alpine Parks of France & Northwest Italy. Mountaineers Books, 1994

Lieberman, Philip and Marcia R. Lieberman. Walking Switzerland-The Swiss Way-: From Vacation Apartments, Hotels, Mountain Inns, and Huts. Mountaineers Books, 1997

Lieberman, Philip and Marcia R. Lieberman. Switzerland's Mountain Inns: A Walking Vacation in a World Apart. Countryman Press, 1998



Brown University, Dept. of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences


Philip Lieberman in Brown University, Dept. of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences


Brown University Brain Sciences

Philip Lieberman in Brown University Brain Sciences

Luminous Angel

菲力普李柏曼的攝影作品,文字部分為Jennifer Sutton所撰寫。


