
 Ovid J. L. Tzeng

 E-MAIL: vptzeng@gate.sinica.edu.tw


台灣高雄人,民國 33 年生於旗山。




美國賓州州立大學(Pennsylvania State University)認知心理學博士(1973)。博士論文〈由資訊傳遞的模式探討人類記憶系統在登錄經驗與自動化推理的兩種運作方式〉榮獲American Institute for Research頒發的Creative Talent Award榮譽獎章。


曾教授1972年應聘俄亥俄州立大學心理學系任教,主要的教學與研究領域是認知心理學與記憶系統的分析。1974年,轉往加州大學河濱校區任教,1981年升為正教授,並建立研究中心,專門研究文字組合規則與閱讀歷程的關係,同時從事認知心理的實驗,對失語症與失讀症病人的語言行為做實證的檢視,由此導出語言與腦神經組合的理論。三篇主要的論文先後刊登在學界最權威的 "Nature" 上,這是心理學領域的榮譽,也促成漢語文神經語言學的創立與發展。

曾教授曾在加州大學柏克萊校區語言學系及耶魯大學Haskins Laboratories 擔任客座副教授及客座研究員,也曾在國立台灣大學心理系以及本院歷史語言研究所擔任客座教授。1990年回到台灣,協助建立國立中正大學心理學系,並擔任社會科學院院長;1997年 8 月轉任國立陽明大學副校長兼通識教育中心主任;1999年經教育部遴選為國立陽明大學校長,於同年7月正式接任陽明大學第三任校長;並於2000年5月20日入閣擔任教育部長。此外,從1981年起,就一直在加州聖地牙哥的 The Salk Institutes for Biological Studies擔任客座研究科學家。


曾教授發表過上百篇學術論文,刊登在重要的科學期刊上,也為牛津大學出版的《國際語言學百科全書》主持有關神經語言學方面的撰稿與選稿事宜,是第一位International Association for the Study of Attention and Performance的Council members中的華人心理學者。






American Institute for Research頒發 Creative Talent Award榮譽獎章教育部國家學術獎(1992)












  1. Hsu, J. Y. J., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Hung, D. L. (1995). Where and what: Are memory for item information and location information dissociable? Chinese Journal of Psychology, 37, 45-57.
  2. Hsu, J. Y. J., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Hung, D. L. (1998). Repetition facilitation, but not suppression of ignored stimulus during selective attention: Evidence from negative priming task in old adults. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 39, 1-18.
  3. Hsu, J. Y. J., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Hung, D. L. (1999). Different priming effects of ignored stimulus during selective attention: Roles of stimulus representation time and properties? Chinese Journal of Psychology, 40, 1-14.
  4. Hsu, J. Y. J., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Hung, D. L. (in preparation). Repetition facilitation, but not suppression of ignored stimulus during selective attention: Evidence from negative priming task in children.
  5. Palmer, T., Tzeng, O. J. L., & He. S. (1995). Local-level and global-level form characteristics in apparent-motion correspondence. Perception, 24, 1233-1245.
  6. Tzeng, O. J. L., Hsu, J. Y., & Hung, D. L. (in preparation). Processing of ignored words during selective attention: The impact of semantic factor under implicit measurement.
  7. 曾志朗,洪蘭。(2000)〈認知科學的發展與應用〉,《應用心理研究》,臺北市:應用心理研究雜誌社,第五期,頁53-55。
  8. 蔡志浩,郭文瑞,曾志朗,洪蘭,傅中玲,王署君。(in press)〈效率、能力與隱含性學習:一個針對年老及阿茲海默症對隱含性學習影響的探討〉,《中華心理學刊》,台北市:中國心理學會。


  1. Chen, H. C., & Tzeng, O. J. L. (Eds.). (1992). Language processing in Chinese. Amsterdam: North-Holland.
  2. Chen, M. Y., & Tzeng, O. J. L. (Eds.). (1994). In honor of William S-Y. Wang: Interdisciplinary studies on language and language change. Taipei, Taiwan: Pyramid Press.
  3. Tzeng, O. J. L., Lu, C. C., & Hung, D. L. (1994). Lexical difussion: A neurolinguistic perspective. In M. Y. Chen & O. J. L. Tzeng (Eds.), In honor of William S-Y. Wang: Interdisciplinary studies on language and language change (pp. 551-559). Taipei, Taiwan: Pyramid Press.
  4. Tzeng, O. J. L., Lin, Z. H., Hung, D. L., Lee, W. L. (1995). Learning to be a conspirator: A tale of becoming a good Chinese reader. In B. de Gelder & J. Morais (Eds.), Speech and reaing: A comparative approach (pp. 227-246). Hove, England UK: Erlbaum (Uk) Taylor & Francis, Publishers.
  5. Tsai, C. H. (1996). Effects of semantic transparency and morphological structure on the representation and recognition of Chinese disyllabic words. In T. F. Cheng, Y. Li, & H. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Fourth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics and the Seventh North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics: Vol. 2 (pp. 326-343). University of Southern California.
  6. Tzeng, O. J. L., Hsu, J. Y., & Hung, D. L. (1998). Location-specific inhibition in selective attention: Questioning the concept of negative priming. In 第二屆國際華人心理學會學術研討會論文選. Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  7. Lu, C-C., Bates, E., Li, P., Tzeng, O., Hung, D., Tasi, C-H., Lee, S-E. & Chung, Y-M. (in press)" Judgments of grammaticality in aphasia: The special case of Chinese. Aphasiology.


  1. Hung, D. L., Hsu, J. Y. J., & Tzeng, O. J. L. (1992). Semantic learning in the implicit memory: A Critical demenstration. Paper presented at the First Asian Conference in Psychology, Singapore.
  2. 許瑛珍、曾志朗、洪蘭(1992)。 聽寫偏導作業和知覺確認作業在內隱記憶中的交互作用。 中華心理學會年會會議論文,台北。
  3. Hung, D. L., Hsu, J. Y. J., & Tzeng, O. J. L.(1993). Effects of prior activation of different linguistic codes on the speed of naming Chinese words. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Paris.
  4. Hung, D. L., Hsu, J. Y. J., & Tzeng, A. K. Y.(1993). Effects of prior activation of different linguistic codes on the speed of naming Chinese words. Paper presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Cognitive Aspects of the Chinese Language. Taipei, Taiwan.
  5. Hung, D. L., Tzeng, O. J, L., Hsu, J. Y. J., & Tzeng, A. K. Y. (1994). The implicit measure of the repetition effect. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis.
  6. Lu, C. C., Tsai, C. H., Tzeng, O. J. L, Hung, D. L., Lee, S. E., & Chung, Y. M. (1994, July). Cerebral hemispheric mechanisms in the processing of disyllable compounds: A perspective from the Chinese morphology. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, City Polytechnic of Hong Kong.
  7. Tzeng, O. J. L., Hsu, J. Y. J., Hung, D. L., & Carammaza, A. (1994). Repetition effects in the processing of Chinese logographs. Paper presented at the Sixth Northern America Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL VI), Los Angeles.
  8. Su, C. I., Tzeng, O. J. L., Hung, D. L., & Kean, M-L. (1997, September). A Study of oral communication ability of Chinese aphasia patients. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Psychology Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
  9. 許靜芬,曾志朗,洪蘭,戴浩一。(1998)。語法角色在中文詞性判斷上的影響:以複合動詞與複合名詞為例。 中國心理學會年會會議論文,台北,台灣。
  10. Kuo, W. J. (1998, March). Attentional differences between the young and old: Evidences from the cost and benefit analyses in an implicit learning task. Paper presented at the International conference on Memory, Tsukuba University, Japan.
  11. Tzeng, O. J. L., Su, C. I., Hung, D. L., & Lu, C. C. (1998, March). An alternative way of looking at language deficits in the Chinese aphasics. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual Symposium on "Chinese Linguistics in an Inter-Disciplinary Perspective". Chao Yun Ren Center for Chinese Linguistics, University of California, Berkeley, CA.
  12. Tzeng, O. J. L., Hung, D. L., & Chang, E. C. H. (1998, July). Script, speech, and cerebral organization: A myth and its resolution. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Literacy and the Evolution of Writing System, Seoul, Korea.
  13. Kuo, W. J., Tzeng, O. J. L., Hung, D. L., Fuh, J. L., & Wang, S. J. (1998, November). Specification of the underlying mechanism in implicit learning: Evidences from the analysis of serial reaction time task in the young, old, and Alzheimer's disease patients. Poster session presented at the Advanced Study Institute on Advances in Theoretical Issues and Cognitive Neuroscience Research of the Chinese Language, University of Hong Kong.
  14. Lee, C. Y., Tzeng, O. J. L., Hung, D. L., Fuh, J. L., & Wang, S. J. (1998, November). Object and action naming in two types of Chinese brain damage patients: Alzheimer's disease and frontal lesion. Poster session presented at the Advanced Study Institute on Advances in Theoretical Issues and Cognitive Neuroscience Research of the Chinese Language, University of Hong Kong.
  15. Lee, J. R., & Ko, H. W. (1998, November). Difficulty in learning to read Chinese: A phonological processing deficient?Poster session presented at the Advanced Study Institute on Advances in Theoretical Issues and Cognitive Neuroscience Research of the Chinese Language, University of Hong Kong.
  16. Tsai, C. H., McConkie, G. W., & Zheng, X. J. (1998, November). Lexical parsing by Chinese readers. Poster session presented at the Advanced Study Institute on Advances in Theoretical Issues and Cognitive Neuroscience Research of the Chinese Language, University of Hong Kong.
  17. Tzeng, O. J. L., Hung, D. L., & Kuo, W. J. (1998, November). A neuro-image for the speech-recording process in reading a Chinese word. Paper presented at the Advanced Study Institute on Advances in Theoretical Issues and Cognitive Neuroscience Research of the Chinese Language, University of Hong Kong.
  18. Hsu, C. F., Tzeng, O. J. L., Hung, D. L. & Tai, J. H. Y. (1998, December). Syntactic effects at sublexical level of word recognition in Chinese. Paper presented at the First International Workshop on Written Language Processing, New South Wales dUniversity, Sydney, Australia.
  19. Lee, C. Y., Tzeng, O. J. L., Hung, D. L., Wu, D. S., & Kuo, W. J.(1998, December). Character-to-phonology conversion in Chinese visual lexical access: Evidence from an indirect measure. Paper presented at the First International Workshop on Written Language Processing, Sydney, Australia.
  20. Su, C. I., Tzeng, O. J. L., & Hung, D. L. (1998, December). Pragmatic aspect of language uses in three types of patient groups. Paper presented at the First International Workshop on Written Language, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
  21. 蔡介立,曾志朗,洪蘭,顏乃欣。〈以眼動誘發呈現技術來測量中文閱讀的知覺廣度〉,paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 2000.
  22. 李佳穎,郭文瑞,蔡介立,洪蘭,曾志朗,謝仁俊。" The neural substrates of Chinese Orthography-Phonology Transformations". Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 2000.
  23. 郭文瑞,葉子成,洪蘭,曾志朗,謝仁俊。" Neural Correlates of the Chinese Character Processing: A fMRI Study". Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan, Sept. 2000.








