Eric H. Lenneberg (1921-1975)


關於Lenneberg的理論作品,最顯著的一個特色是其結合廣泛領域主題的特質,他對於凡是涉及心智與頭腦研究的科學領域皆感興趣,並且為其相關的學科作周密的準備:首先在1951年於芝加哥大學取得語言學碩士學位後,他繼續在1955年於哈佛大學完成其語言學與心理學的博士研究;隨後三年,於哈佛醫學院從事博士後研究,專門研究神經學與兒童發展失調;如此的準備工作再加上他在波士頓兒童醫院醫療中心的經驗,致使他的專題論文,堪稱語言的神經心理學到目前為止最為經典的作品「語言的生物學基礎」(The Biological Foundations Of Language),於1967年出版。

Lenneberg的作品以他從神經心理學的資料中探求解釋與理論基礎的魄力著稱,尤其是他最為人所知的一個論點:「語言乃是物種特有的認知傾向之表現」,此論點必然是個經由間接證據所得來的假設。人類神經心理學研究神經受損的人,因為不論以任何角度洞察,這個研究也許能提供一個正常運作的較高皮層過程。就如同Lenneberg經常說,如此的綜合歸納是可能的,因為病理學從未增加頭腦功能的複雜性。不論這個證據有多麼站不住腳,並不會因此而制止Lenneberg將引導正常語言發展的生物限制付諸理論化。他對於語言中關鍵期(critical period)的概念,是這個理論中目前最為人廣泛討論的一個層面。

在歐洲傳統中一個更為有機而完整的頭腦理論裡頭,Lenneberg也象徵著一個連結的角色。JacksonGoldstein兩位學者比起其他美國學者,很明顯地較有可能是為Lenneberg在精神學上的先驅。Lenneberg的一生,就某種意義而言,反映出其為歐洲傳統與美國傳統之間的溝通橋樑之特質。1921年出生於德國杜塞爾多夫(Düsseldorf, Germany),身為一位內科醫生之子,Lenneberg將其性格形成時期完全用於經歷這個社區的知性及藝術生活。然而在三○年代初期,當Lenneberg十二歲大時,這個家庭被迫移居至巴西,在此的學習和以往並沒有太大的不同。一直到1945年來到了美國,Lenneberg才能在高等教育中開始他正式的研究。隨後,他參與了1950年代盛行於哈佛大學的理論風潮,當時正值美國著名語言學家Noam Chomsky 發展其許多見解概念的時候,我們可以說,就是因為如此,致使Lenneberg對語言及頭腦在生物學的及理論的基礎備感興趣!



1959  Invitation to join us in research on problems of speech and other skilled bodily movements. Boston: Speech Research Laboratory, Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

1960  Language, evolution, and purposive behavior. In S. Diamond (Ed.), Culture in History Essays in Honor of Paul Radin. New York: Columbia University Press.

1964  A biological perspective of language. In E. H. Lenneberg(Ed.), New Directions in the study of Language. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

          The capacity for language acquisition. In J. A. Fodor and J. J. Katz (Eds.), The structure of Language: Readings in the Philosophy of Language. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall.

          How babies learn to talk. Parents’ Magazine, September.

          Primitive stages of language development in mongolism. In D. Mck. Rioch,  L. C. Kolb, and J, Ruesch (Eds.), Disorders of Communication, Research

          Publications of the Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. XLII. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins. (with I. A. Nichols  and E. F. Rosenberger.)

1966  Speech development: Its anatomical and physical concomitants. In E. C. Carterette (Ed.), Brain Function (Vol. III). Los Angeles: University of California Press.

          The natural history of language. In F. Smith and G. A. Miller (Eds.), The Genesis of Language: A Psycholinguistic Approach. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.

          In search of CNS correlates of reading skills and disabilities. In Project Literacy Reprots. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University. 

1967  Biological Foundations of Language. New York: Wiley.

          Discussion of :The general properties of language, by Noam Chomsky. In C. H. Millikan and F. L. Darley (Eds.), Brain Mechanisms Underlying Speech and Language. New York: Grune and Stratton.

1969  Problems in the systematization of communication behavior. In .T. A. Sebeok  and A. Ramsay (Eds.), Approaches to Animal Communication. The Hague and Paris: Mouton.

          Language in the light of evolution. In .T. A. Sebeok (Ed.), Animal Communication: techniques of Study and Results of Research. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

          A word between us. In J. D. Roslansky (Ed.), Comminication. Amsterdam and London: North-Holland.

1970  Brain correlates of language, in F. O. Schmitt (Ed.), The Neurosciences: Second Study Problem. New York: The Rockefeller University Press.  

1971  The importance of temporal factors in behavior. In D. L. Horton and J. Jenkins (Eds.), Perception of Language. Columbus, Ohio: Charles E. Merrill.

1972  Prerequisities for language acquisition by the deaf. In T. J. O’Rourke (Ed.), Psycholinguistics and Total Communication: The State of the Art. Washington, D. C.: American Annals of the Deaf.

1973  What is meant by knowing a language? In P. Pliner, L. Kranes, and T. Alloway (Eds.) Communication and Affect: Language and Thought. New York and London: Academoc Press.

1974  Language development. In J. A. Swetts and L. L. Eliot (Eds.), Psychology and the Handicapped Child. Washington D. C.: Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, U.S. Government Printing Office.

          Biological aspects of language. In G. A. Miller (Ed.), Psychology and communication (Forum Lecture Series). Washington D. C.: Voice of America.

1975  The concept of language differentiation. In E. H. Lenneberg and E. Lenneberg (Eds.), Foundations of language Development: A Multidisciplinary Approach. New York and Paris: Academic Press and Unesco Press.

          In search of a dynamic theory of aphasia. In E. H. Lenneberg and E. Lenneberg (Eds.), Foundations of language Development: A Multidisciplinary Approach. New York and Paris: Academic Press and Unesco Press.

1976  Problems in the comparative study f language. In R. B. Masterson, W. Hodos, and H. Jerison (Eds.), Evolution, Brain, and Behavior: Persistent Problems. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

1977  Introduction to section on language acquisition. In F. Caplan (General Ed.), Parenting Advisor. New York: Anchor Press/ Doubleday.



1953  Cognition in ethnolinguistics. Language, 29, 463-471.

1954  A study in language and cognition. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 49, 454-462. ( with R. W. Brown.)

         Review: Meaning, Communication, and Value, by P. Kecskemeti. Language, 30, 96-99. 

1955  A note on Cassirer’s philosophy of language. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 15, 512-522.

         Review: Psychologie der Sprache: Vol.3, Physiologiche Psychologie der Sprachvorgange, by F. Kainz. Language,31,489-492.

1956  The language of experience: A study in methodology. Indiana University Publications on Anthropology and Linguistics, Memoir 13 of the International Journal of Americann Linguistics (Supplement to Volume 22). (with J. M. Robert.)

1957 A probabilistic approach to language learning. Behavioral Science, 2, 1-12.

         Review: Der Mensch und sein Wort, by A. Schlismann. Language, 32,714-716.

         Review: On Human Communication: A review, a Survey, and a Criticism, by C. Cherry. Language, 33, 568-575.

         Review: Fundamentals of Language, by R.Jakobson and M. Halle. Contemporary Psychology, 2, 133-134.

1960 Review: Speech and Brain Mechanisms, by W. Penfield and L. Roberts. Language, 36, 97-112.

1961  Color naming, color recognition, color discrimination: A re-appraisal. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 12, 375-382.

         Review: The Sound of Language: An Inquiry into the Role of Genetic Factors in the Development of Sound Systems, by L. F. Brosnahan. Contemporary Psychology, 7, 230-231.

1962  A laboratory for speech research at the Children’s Hospital Medical Center. New England Journal of Medicine, 266, 385-392.

         Understanding language without ability to speak: A case report. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 65, 419-425.

         The relationship of language to the formation of concepts. Synthese, 14, 103-109.

         Review: The First Five Minutes: A Sample of  Microscopic Interview  Analysis, by R. E. Pittenger, C. F. Hockett, and J. J. Danehy. Lag--uage, 38, 69-73.

         Review: The Role of Speech in the Regulation of Normal and Abnormal Behavior, by A. R. Luria. Psychosomatic Medicine, 24, 231.

         Review: Speech Disorders, by Sir Russell Brain. Pediatrics, 30, 505-506. The acquisition of language in a speechless child. Psychological Cinema Register, Pennsylvania State University. (Film)

1963  Review: Message et Phonétique: Introduction à l’ Étude acoustique et physiologique du Phonéme, by Jean-Claude Lafon. Language, 39, 246-247.

1964  Language disorders in childhood. Harvard Educational Review, 34, 152-177.         

          Speech as a motor skill with special reference to nonaphasic disorders. In U. Bellugi and R. W. Brown (Eds.), The Acquisition of Language, Monographs on the Society for Research in Child Development, 29, (1, Serial No. 92).

          Apparatus for reducing playback time of tape-recorded, intermittent vocalization. In U. Bellugi and R. W. Brown (Eds.), The Acquisition of  Language, Monographs on the Society for Research in Child Development, 29,(1, Serial No. 92).(with C. H. Chan and F. G. Rebelsky.)

          Discussion of Dr. Holzman’s paper. American Psychiatric Association, Psychiatric Research Report, 19, 93-96.

          Review: Disorders of Language, Ciba Foundation Symposium, A V. S. de Reuck and M. O’ Connor, eds. Pediatrics, 34, 898-899.

1965  The vocalizations of infants born to deaf and to hearing parents. Human Development, 8, 23-37. (with F. G. Rebelsky and I. A. Nichols.)

          Review: Signs, Signals and Symbols: A Presentation of a British Approach to Speech Pathology and Therapy, S. E. Mason, ed. Language, 41, 91-94. 

1966  Verbal communication and color memory in the deaf and hearing, Child Developmen, 37, 765-799. (with D. Lantz.)

1967  The biological foundations of language. Hospital Practice, 2, 59-67.

          Reply to : Language and the search for origins (book reviews of Biological Foundations of Language by S. Klassen and J. M. Wepman; H. G. Furth; and J. W. Black). Journal of communication Disorders, 1, 320-322.

1968  The effect of age on the outcome of central nervous system disease in children. In R. Isaacson (Ed.), The Neuropsychology of Development. New York: Wiley.

1969  On explaining Language. Science, 164, 635-643.

1970  What is meant by a biological approach to language? American Annals of the Deaf, 115, 67-72.

          The neurobiology of language: Practical applications. Bulletin of the Orton Society, 20, 7-13.

          Fundamentos biológicos da linguagem. Publicaςoẽs Avulsas fo museu Nacional (Rio de Janeiro) No. 53.

          An acoustic analysis the Turkish whistling language of Lusköy. Revue Phonetique Appliqué, 14-15, 25-40. 

1971  Of language knowledge, apes and brains. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 1, 1-29.

          Developments in biological linguistics. Georgetown University Monograph Series on Language and Linguistics, 24, 199-209.

          Review: Language Disturbance and Intellectual Functioning, by C. K. Lubin. Linguistics, An International Review, 67, 113-117.

1973  The neurology of language. Daedalus, 102, 115-133.

          Review: Elizabeth, by Sharon Ulrich. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 19, 147-149.

          Review: Phrase and Paraphrase: Some Innovative Uses of Language, by Lila R. Gleitman and Henry Gleitman. Language, 49, 579-523. 

1974  Language and brain: Development aspects. Neurosciences Research Program Bulletin, 12, 513-656. (Edited and with an epilogue by E. H. Lenneberg.)  

1978  Some new prospects for neuropsychological research on disorders of perception and language. In M. H. Appel (Ed.), Topics in Cognitive Development (Vol. 2): Language and Operational Thought. New York: Plenum Press. (with L. Chapanis Fox.) 



Eric H. Lenneberg (Ed.) 1964. New directions in the study of language. Cambridge,

  M.I.T. Press.

Eric H. Lenneberg. 1967. Biological Foundations Of Language. New York: Wiley.

George A. Miller and Elizabeth Lenneberg(Eds.) 1978. Psychology and biology of

  language and thought : essays in honor of Eric Lenneberg New York : Academic


R. W. Rieber(Ed.) 1976. The Neuropsychology of language : essays in honor of Eric

  Lenneberg. New York: Plenum Press.

