Juri M. Lotman (28.2.1922~28.10.1993)   



      Yuri Lotman是近代最偉大的符號學家,也是近代最偉大的學者之一。1922年,他出生於俄羅斯的列寧格勒(Leningrad),成年之後,在列寧格勒大學(Leningrad State University)修習語言學。第二次世界大戰期間,Juri Lotman曾服役於砲兵部隊,戰後,他又繼續回到大學做有關語言學方面的學術研究。1950年,他在愛沙尼亞的 Tartu University開始他的工作。在這裡,他建立了他生平的第一所學校,名為Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School;這所學校主要是以出版在蘇俄的刊物--『符號系統研究』(Sign Systems Studies) 而聞名。在這段期間, Juri Lotman在很多不同的領域都有涉獵,包括研究文化理論、蘇俄文學、符號學等等,也因為如此,他也一直都是一位著名的多產作家。在他的一生之中,光是被列印成書的作品就有達到800本之多!也因為他的著作實在太多,要是你想去找出他所有的著作根本是一件非常困難的事,此外,要是想研究 Juri Lotman所寫的著作及其主要研究領域,你也必須要懂得俄文才行。因這兩點,使得許多想對他有進一步瞭解的人都望之卻步。有鑑於此,後代許多學者都紛紛把他的著作翻譯成許多版本,有英文、法文、德文、義大利文及日文等等,以供參考。


Ⅱ. 著作

Lotman Ju. M. 1973. Different cultures, different codes. Times Literary Supplement, Oct. 12, 1213–1215.

Lotman Y. 1974. The sign mechanism of culture. Semiotica 12(4), 301–305.

Lotman Y. 1975. Myth — name — culture. Soviet Studies in Literature: A Journal of Translations 11(2–3), 17–46.

Lotman Y. 1975/1976. Theater and theatricality in the order of early nineteenth century culture. The Soviet Review 16(4), 53–83.

Lotman Iu. M. 1976. Analysis of the Poetic Text. (Transl. by D. Barton Johnson.) Ann Arbor (Mich.): Ardis, 309 p.

Lucid, Daniel P. (ed.) 1977. Soviet Semiotics: An Anthology. Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press

Lotman Y., Uspenskij Boris A. 1978. Myth — name — culture. Semiotica 22(3/4), 211–233.

Lotman Y. 1979. The origin of plot in the light of typology. Poetics Today 1(1–2), 161–184.

Lotman Y. 1980. The natural language: Interrelationship in the mechanism of verse. In: Smith G. S. (ed.), Metre, Rhythm, Stanza, Rhyme. [Russian Poetics in Translation 7?] University of Essex, 86–89.

Lotman Y. 1981. On the language of animated cartoons. In: O'Toole, Lawrence Michael and Shukman, Ann (eds.), Film Theory and General Semiotics. (Russian Poetics in Translation 8.) Oxford: Holdan Books (RPT Pub.), 36–39.

Lotman Y. 1982. The text and the structure of its audience. New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation 14(1), 81–87.

Lotman Jurij M., Uspenskij Boris A. 1984. The Semiotics of Russian Culture. Edited by Ann Shukman (Michigan Slavic Contributions 11.) Ann Arbor: Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan, xiv+341.

Lotman Jurij M. 1987. On the contemporary concept of text. Livstegn: Tidsskrift for Norsk forening for semiotikk [Proceedings of the first symposium "Semiotics in Theory and Practice", 2–3 Oct. 1986, Bergen (Norway): Norwegian Association for Semiotic Studies] 3, 159–163. [transl. by Jostein Bortnes.]

Lotman Juri 1988. Natural environment and information. In: Kull, Kalevi and Tiivel, Toomas (eds.), Lectures in Theoretical Biology. Tallinn: Valgus, 45–47.

Lotman Jurij 1990. Universe of the Mind: A Semiotic Theory of Culture. (Translated by Ann Shukman, introduction by Umberto Eco.) London & New York: I. B. Tauris & Co Ltd. xiii+288 p.

Lotman Y. 1991. Semiotics and the historical sciences. In: Göranzon, Bo and Florin, Magnus (eds.), Dialogue and Technology: Art and Knowledge. (The Springer Series of Artificial Intelligence and Society.) New York, London: Springer, 165–180.

Lotman Yuri M. 1994. The text within the text. [Translated by Jerry Leo and Amy Mandelker.] Publications of the Modern Language Association (PMLA) 109(3), 377–384

Lotman Juri 1997. Culture as a subject and an object in itself. Trames 1(1), 7–16

Lotman Jurij 1999. The truth as lie in Gogol's poetics. In: Spieker Sven (ed.), Gogol: Exploring Absence. Negativity in 19th Century Russian Literature. Bloomington: Slavica Publishers.




Juri M. Lotman's Homepage--http://www.ut.ee/SOSE/onlotman.htm

Complete List of English-Language Publications by Lotman--http://www.zbi.ee/~kalevi/lotmeng2.htm

A Page about Lotman (in English)--http://www.zone.ee/run/Lotman.htm

Biography of Juri M. Lotman (in Russian)--http://www.zone.ee/run/biography.htm

Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu--http://www.ut.ee/SOSE/index.html


